Building a $50 Million Marketing Empire with Corey Hayes

Corey Hayes - Episode 26

Written by Eli Adams

Founder & CEO of Fire Us Marketing with more than 15 years in the digital space. My aim is to teach business owners how to elevate themselves online. The HOW is more important than the WHAT these days.

Introduction to Corey Hayes

Corey Hayes is the CEO of Get X Media, a digital agency that has generated over $50 million in client revenue. With over 20 years of experience, Corey has spent his career helping Canadian businesses. His goal is to reduce the failure rate of small business by providing practical, affordable marketing solutions.

Outside of work, Corey is a world traveler who loves creativity which he incorporates into his work through video, photography and drone imagery. In this episode Corey shares his big ideas and strategies that are changing the face of digital marketing in Canada.

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Who is Corey Hayes?

Early Days of Web Design

Corey’s journey into the world of digital marketing started young. At 14 years old he was designing websites for fun while his friends were playing video games. This early love of web development was the foundation for his career.

“When I was a kid and I was like 14 I was designing websites for fun,” Corey says. “Do you remember when you used to play like, uh, Starcraft or Diablo, like Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater, with all your friends when you were a kid? So I was doing that and then when I wasn’t with my friends I would sit there and I would program websites.”

From Hobby to Business

As Corey entered his late teens he found himself surrounded by friends who were becoming entrepreneurs straight out of high school. Living in Calgary, Alberta a city of tradesmen Corey’s web development skills were in high demand.

“A lot of my friends were getting into that and I was one of the geeks that was doing my IT stuff and it was just demanded of me almost at the time that I help with the skills that I had to do this,” Corey says. “So I started doing websites for like 500 bucks. You know, some of them I did for free. I just, it was a game to me.”

Get X Media is Born

Corey’s early success building websites for friends led to a realization of the power of digital marketing. He saw firsthand how his skills could directly impact business’s bottom lines.

“I literally just using my skills and it’s paying people tens of thousands of dollars and providing them with so much business. I’m like, this is so cool,” Corey says.

This epiphany led to the creation of Get X Media with a dual purpose: to provide value to businesses and to achieve location independence for Corey himself.

Global Adventures and Learning Experiences

Corey’s journey with Get X Media took him around the world. His first attempt at running the company remotely led him to Venice Beach, California for six months. But that didn’t end well and he learned some valuable lessons about remote work and business management.

He regrouped in Calgary and then set off on his next adventure: four years in Thailand. That went better but came with its own challenges, mostly the 12 hour time zone difference with his North American clients.

“From Thailand I went back home for my sister’s wedding just as like a temporary thing. And when I got home COVID hit and then I couldn’t move anymore,” Corey says. The pandemic while restricting his travel brought unexpected growth to his agency.

Current Location and Business Model

Today Corey runs Get X Media from Sayulita, Mexico where he has been for the past two to three years. This location allows him to be in the same time zone as his North American clients and live the lifestyle he loves and is passionate about travel and creativity.

Man Using 3 Computers

Current Projects that Excite Corey

Adapting to AI in Search

One of Corey’s current focuses is researching and adapting to the impact of AI on search engine optimization (SEO). He’s particularly interested in Search Generative Experience (SGE) and its potential effects on traffic and SEO strategies.

“I have been researching a lot about, uh, SGE and AI search because it’s going to change a lot,” Corey explains. He cites projections that suggest a potential 16% to 60% loss in traffic due to these changes, which has significant implications for his clients and the industry as a whole.

Corey sees this shift as both a challenge and an opportunity. “Obviously Google is not just going to like destroy all the sites on the Internet,” he reasons. “So, you know, let’s analyze and try to figure out a way where we can mold to their platform and take advantage of that.”

Documentary Filmmaking

On a more personal level, Corey is working on editing a documentary he filmed during a motorcycle trip from Calgary, Alberta to Tuktoyaktuk. This project combines his love for travel, adventure, and visual storytelling.

“I did a documentary a little while ago, where we drove from Calgary, Alberta to Tuktoyaktuk, and I filmed the whole thing. I had like five cameras and a drone,” Corey shares. He acknowledges the time-consuming nature of video editing but sees it as a valuable creative outlet.

Tactical and Strategic Digital Marketing Advice from Corey

Maximizing Google My Business

Corey emphasizes the importance of fully utilizing Google My Business (now Google Business Profile) as a key component of local SEO strategy.

“The Google My Business account is often looked at as like a listing and you don’t do anything with it. I mean, that’s an active profile that’s done by Google,” Corey advises. He recommends:

  • Replying to all reviews
  • Ensuring all information is accurate and complete
  • Posting about services 1-2 times per week
  • Focusing on offers rather than general social media content

Targeting Low-Hanging Fruit in SEO

Corey suggests focusing on keywords where a business is ranking just off the first page or at the bottom of the first page of search results. He recommends:

  • Implementing schema markup on the website
  • Adding relevant images
  • Optimizing content for search intent
  • Making small, targeted changes to boost rankings quickly

Leveraging Existing Customer Lists

One often overlooked tactic Corey recommends is reaching out to existing customers regularly. He suggests:

  • Emailing customers about new services or improvements
  • Asking for referrals
  • Requesting reviews
  • Sharing promotions or updates

“Some people have a thousand customers sitting there. They haven’t talked to in five years. And all of a sudden you just go reach out to all these people and you get like four or five jobs in a week,” Corey notes.

Automating Review Requests

Corey has implemented an automated system for requesting reviews from clients:

“The review system I’ve automated for almost every client that I’ve got. So when you get an invoice that gets paid, the email is automatically sent with the Google My Business link in and asking them for a review.”

Diversifying Marketing Channels

Corey emphasizes the importance of not relying on a single marketing channel. He recommends:

  • Developing a presence on multiple platforms (Google, social media, video platforms)
  • Creating content for different types of consumers (listeners, watchers, readers)
  • Balancing efforts between organic search, paid advertising, and social media

Creating a Comprehensive Marketing Strategy

Corey stresses the importance of developing a thorough marketing strategy before jumping into tactics. He uses a one-page marketing plan approach inspired by Allan Dib’s book “The 1-Page Marketing Plan.” This approach includes:

  1. Identifying the target market
  2. Crafting the message
  3. Choosing the right media outlets
  4. Developing a sales process
  5. Delivering an excellent customer experience
  6. Increasing customer lifetime value
  7. Orchestrating referrals

Where Does Corey See the Future of Digital Marketing Going?

Adapting to AI-Driven Search

Corey believes that the immediate future of digital marketing will be heavily influenced by AI-driven search experiences. He emphasizes the need for marketers and businesses to adapt quickly to these changes to avoid potential traffic losses.

“The future is a ghost town right now with this AI search coming out,” Corey states. He advises marketers to stay on top of these developments and be prepared to adjust strategies accordingly.

Shift Towards Rich Media Content

As AI makes it easier to generate written content at scale, Corey predicts a shift towards more diverse content types:

“I think that because AI has made it really easy for a lot of people to just like pump content out at scale that things like what you’re doing a podcast and YouTube videos and media and infographics and all of that stuff that we usually use to build backlinks for clients, uh, is going to become the norm.”

He suggests that SEO strategies will need to incorporate more media development, including:

  • Podcasts
  • YouTube videos
  • Infographics
  • Other forms of rich media content

Focus on Brand-Building and Holistic Marketing

Corey anticipates a move towards more holistic marketing approaches that prioritize brand-building across multiple channels. This strategy aims to create a consistent brand presence regardless of algorithm changes on any single platform.

Emphasis on Authentic, Experience-Based Content

With the rise of AI-generated content, Corey believes that authentic, experience-based content will become increasingly valuable. This includes:

  • Case studies
  • Personal narratives
  • Detailed, industry-specific insights

Continued Importance of Backlinks

Despite changes in search algorithms, Corey maintains that backlinks will remain a crucial factor in SEO:

“Backlinks is, you know, up there is one of the top three ranking factors for your site. So, I mean, and how are you going to do that in, you know, a brand focused way as a company that’s, you know, like holistic.”

How to Get in Contact with Corey

For those interested in learning more about Corey’s approach or seeking digital marketing assistance, he invites people to visit his website at Get X Media.

Man in White Dress Shirt

Advice to His Younger Self

When asked what advice he would give to his younger self, Corey says:

“Don’t wait and make some mistakes because, uh, I think a lot of us get stuck in this analyzing state where we get like, uh, analysis paralysis, is what they call it.”

He tells aspiring entrepreneurs and marketers to get over the fear of failure and learn from experience:

“No amount of thinking, studying, reading is going to be a better teacher than you screwing it up. So, uh, I would tell myself as a, as a younger self.”

Books, Podcasts, and Leaders That Inspire Corey

Corey shares his favorite resources that have inspired and educated him:

  1. Alex Hormozi’s Books:
  2. “Scaling Up” by Vern Harnish: This book and course on Mindvalley is great for businesses looking to go from 0 to $1 million in revenue.
  3. “Sell Like Crazy” by Sabri Suby: Corey recommends this book for practical advice on writing ads, creating offers and marketing strategies.
  4. “The 5 AM Club” by Robin Sharma: Despite the title, Corey loves this book for structuring your day for maximum productivity and personal growth.

Corey says “The 5 AM Club” is not just about waking up early, but about how to structure your day:

“It’s more to do with how you structure your day and the things that you should be doing in your day to make yourself very productive. I mean, it doesn’t have to, it’s not a 5 a.m. teach. It’s like, you know, how do you organize your day properly?”


Corey Hayes went from teenage web designer to CEO of a $50 million marketing empire. His advice on being adaptable, learning and holistic marketing is a formula for success in the digital world.

As the industry deals with AI and changing search algorithms, Corey’s advice to stay informed, diversify your marketing and focus on creating real value is still spot on. By combining technical skills with a travel inspired approach, Corey shows that success in digital marketing isn’t just about following the trends, but about creating unique value for your clients and pushing the boundaries of what’s possible.

For those looking to make their mark in digital marketing, Corey’s story is both inspiration and a roadmap. He’s willing to share his knowledge and collaborate with others in the industry which is the kind of open, abundance mindset that drives innovation in digital marketing.

This Podcasts Audio

Written by Eli Adams

Founder & CEO of Fire Us Marketing with more than 15 years in the digital space. My aim is to teach business owners how to elevate themselves online. The HOW is more important than the WHAT these days.

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